Consulta de Guías Docentes

Academic Year/course: 2017/18

26528 - Children's Psychology and Health

Syllabus Information

Academic Year:
26528 - Children's Psychology and Health
Faculty / School:
107 - Facultad de Educación
202 - Facultad de Ciencias Humanas y de la Educación
301 - Facultad de Ciencias Sociales y Humanas
301 - Degree in Nursery School Education
302 - Degree in Nursery School Education
303 - Degree in Nursery School Education
Second semester
Subject Type:

1.1. Introduction

Psychology and child health is taught in the second term of the third year, being one of the subjects that shape the obligatory course entitled “Childhood, health and feeding”,that has introduced students to the knowledge of their own body. It would be a question of extending this knowledge to psychological aspects (emotional, behavioral and social).

In this subject, the elements that facilitate the good physical, emotional, communicative, cognitive and social development of children are analysed. Similarly, the knowledge and development of resources that allow the detection of deviations when they appear are analysed so that the process could be re-directed.

2.1. Learning goals

1. Being conscious of the relevance of the social, family and school context in child development and having resources to work with the family and other health and psycho-social professionals involved in the care of children under seven years of age.

2. Knowing the needs, problems and difficulties related to the acquisition of habits, rules, values, behaviour and autonomy and developing resources to manage them, in the period from 0 to 6 years old.

3. Being capable of detecting and identifying needs and valuing their importance and preventing difficulties, deficits and emotional, affective, relationship or welfare difficulties that disturb the biopsychosocial development of children aged 0-6.

4. Knowing how to manage the resources for education in the Infant School, favouring healthy development, attending to the individual and social needs of children.
5. Handling the basic principles of healthy behavioural development, knowing the most important programmes in the field of socio-health applied to childhood and being able to design and apply actions for health promotion and detection of difficulties and problems in 0-6 year olds.

5.1. Methodological overview

The methodology followed in this course is oriented towards achievement of the learning objectives. It is based on active participation, case studies, teamwork etc. that favors the development of communicative skills and critical thinking. A wide range of teaching and learning tasks are implemented, such as lectures, practical activities, practice sessions, autonomous work, tutorials, and academic guidance.

Further information regarding the course will be provided on the first day of class.

5.2. Learning tasks

The course includes 6 ECTS organized according to:
- Lectures (3 ECTS): 30 hours.
- Practice sessions (2 ECTS): 20 hours.
- Autonomous work ( ECTS): 87 hours.
- Tutorials (1 ECTS): 10 hours.
- Assessment (0,3 ECTS): 3 hours.


Lectures: the professor presents theoretical contents.
Practice sessions: they can involve discussion and presentation of case studies, practical work outside the classroom (field work or visits), and seminars.
Autonomous work: students do tasks such as autonomous study, reading of the course book, preparation of practice sessions and seminars, and summative assignments.
Tutorials: professors' office hours can be used to solved doubts and to follow-up students’ work.
Assessment: final examination


5.3. Syllabus

The course will address the following topics:

1. Conceptual introduction to the concepts of health and biopyscho-social welfare.
2. The needs of children.
3. Acquisition of healthy habits.
4. Development of personal skills, autonomy and self-control.
5. Development of interpersonal relationships and sociable behaviour.
6. Healthy relationships with families.
7. Relationships with the educational community (school, socio-health).


5.4. Course planning and calendar

For further details concerning the timetable, classroom and further information regarding this course please refer to the Facultad de Educación de Zaragoza website (; the Facultad de Ciencias Humanas y Sociales de Teruel  website ( and the Facultad de Ciencias Humanas y de la Educación de Huesca (

5.5. Bibliography and recommended resources

[BB: Basic Bibliography / BC: Complementary Bibliography]

BB Desarrollo afectivo y social / coordinadores Félix López [y otros 3]. [Libro electrónico]. Madrid : Pirámide, 2013.
BB Intervención temprana : desarrollo óptimo de 0 a 6 años / coordinadoras Amparo Gómez Artiga, Paz Viguer Seguí, María José Cantero López. [Libro electrónico]. Madrid : Ediciones Pirámide, 2013.
BB López Sánchez, Félix. Necesidades en la infancia y en la adolescencia : respuesta familiar, escolar y social / Félix López Sánchez . [1ª ed.] Madrid : Pirámide, D. L. 2008
BB Manual de psicología de la salud con niños, adolescentes y familia / coordinadores Juan Mauel Ortigosa Quiles, María José Quiles Sebastián, Francisco Xavier Méndez Carrillo . Madrid : Pirámide, D.L. 2003
BB Palomar Negredo, Montse. Autonomía personal y salud infantil / Montse Palomar Negredo ... [et al.] . [1ª ed.] Barcelona : Altamar, D. L. 2008
BB Psicología de la salud infantil / Jorge Javier Ricarte Trives (coordinador) ;[ María Dolores Muñoz Vallejo ... [et al.]] . [1ª ed.] [Pamplona] : Eunate, D. L. 2011
BB Rodríguez, J. Psicología de la salud : aplicaciones clínicas y estrategias / J. Rodríguez. Madrid : Pirámide, 2005
BC Barudy Labrin, Jorge. Los buenos tratos a la infancia : parentalidad, apego y resiliencia / Jorge Barudy, Maryorie Dantagnan ; prólogo de Ana Ma. Arón Svigilsky . 3a. ed. Barcelona : Gedisa, 2007
BC Brazelton, T. Berry. Las necesidades básicas de la infancia : lo que cada niño o niña precisa para vivir, crecer y aprender / T. Berry Brazelton, Stanley I. Greenspan . 1ª ed. Barcelona : Graó, 2005
BC Cyrulnik, Boris. Los patitos feos : la resiliencia : una infancia infeliz no determina la vida / Boris Cyrulnik ; [traducción de Tomás Fernández Azúz y Beatriz Eguibar] . 10ª ed. Barcelona : Gedisa, 2010
BC Educación emocional : Programa para 3-6 años / àˆlia López Cassà  (coordinadora) ; GROP (grupo de Receca en orinetació psicopedagógica . 4a. ed. Madrid : GROP, 2008
BC Elschenbroich, Donata. Todo lo que hay que saber a los siete años : cómo pueden descubrir el mundo los niños / Donata Elschenbroich ; traducción de Nuria Villagrasa Valdivieso . 1ª ed. Barcelona : Destino, 2004
BC Ferrerós Tor, María Luisa. Psicología infantil hasta los 5 años [recurso electrónico] / María Luisa Ferrerós . 1ª ed. Barcelona : Tibidabo, 1999
BC Fodor, Elizabeth. Todo un mundo de sorpresas : educar jugando. El niño hasta los 5 años / Elizabeth Fodor, Montserrat Morán, Andrea Moleres . 4ª ed. Madrid : Pirámide 2015
BC Jensen, Larry C.. Sentimientos : para ayudar a los niños a comprender las emociones / Larry C. Jensen, M. Gawain Wells ; [traducción Miquel Gallart] . Madrid : Ediciones SM, D. L. 1980
BC Pérez Cabaní, María Luisa. Afectos, emociones y relaciones en la escuela : análisis de cinco situaciones cotidianas en educación infantil, primaria y secundaria / Ma. Luisa Pérez Cabaní, Ma. Reyes Carretero, Josep Juandó . 1a ed. Barcelona : Graó, 2001
BC Prevención y detección del maltrato infantil. 2. El maltrato infantil : propuesta de actuación para su detección desde el ámbito educativo : dirigido para Educación Infantil y Primaria / Instituto Aragonés de Servicios Sociales y Asociación de Desarrollo Comunitario en Áreas de Aragón. 2a. ed. act. Zaragoza : IASS : ADCARA, 2007
BC Ribes Antuña, María Dolores. Desarrollo socioafectivo e intervención con familias : educación infantil / [autora María Dolores Ribes Antuña] . Sevilla : MAD, 2011
BC Sroufe, L. Alan. Desarrollo emocional : La organización de la vida emocional en los primeros años / L. Alan Sroufe . México D.F. : Oxford University Press, 2000